Tech at Night: Barack Obama’s Internet Regulation plan really is bad news

Critics who don’t want to debate the merits of expanded government like to portray the Net Neutrality debate as activists vs Cable Companies™, but this isn’t that at all. This is the people vs. the Obama administration, as it is with EPA, NLRB, and every other overreaching regulator.
Don’t take my word for it. Commissioner Ajit Pai says “The American People are being misled about President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet.” He’s seen the plan, folks. He’s in a position to know who’s lying, and who isn’t.
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Tech at Night: A message to Mike Lee about Comcast.

Mike Lee, we’re your friends here at RedState. We backed you in the primary, and we’re sure to back you going forward. But please, lay off on his Comcast/Time Warner deal. The arguments you’re making, at least as portrayed by The Hill, are the same arguments that were used falsely to fool conservatives into backing the Net Neutrality power grab. Now they’re being used to trick us into backing an antitrust power grab.
First off, even if Net Neutrality wasn’t fixing an imaginary threat, the kind of discrimination you’re talking about is already banned by consent decree from the Comcast – NBC Universal deal. So your fears are doubly unfounded. But don’t take my word for it. Let the market work. Markets are how all of us speak, and we know better than government.
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Tech at Night: Our Broken Patent System. Connecting the dots on pro-regulatory hypocrisy.

Hey Mark Cuban: We both know that when Obama signed the American Invents Act, crushing small businesses was a feature, since it meant a) more work for lawyers who backed the bill and b) easier competition for the big businesses who backed the bill.
I see the vultures using Aaron Swartz’s dead body for political purposes are now going full Weekend at Bernie’s on this. It’s amazing.
And yet nobody reconciles the Democrat outrage at this, with Democrat plans to ignore the Constitution and use Executive Orders on cybersecurity. If we allow stuff like what Swartz did, we’re letting cybersecurity threats go unpunished, sorry.
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Tech at Night: Google, FCC, Net Neutrality

Yes, we’re talking about Google again tonight. Of course they never did delist Daily Kos after the Chris Bowers manipulations, despite having gone after Kay Bailey Hutchison for breaking their rules. But we have more to ride them about:
They’re blocking pro-life ads again. These ads are running on local television in DC for Republican Missy Reilly Smith who is challenging Delegate Holmes Eleanor Norton, or Norton Eleanor Holmes, or whatever her name is. I mean really, she doesn’t even get a vote. Local television will run the ads, but Youtube will not. Interesting, eh?
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