Tech at Night

Lots to cover tonight, thanks in part to skipping Monday for Memorial Day. But of course I’ll start with my own post on the AT&T/T-Mobile deal, explaining from the ground up why the George Soros/Sprint arguments contradict themselves. Government should get out of the way, especially state governments like California’s getting too big for their britches. It’ll be better for all of us who buy wireless services.

Speaking of states running amok, here’s the bill that tax-and-spend Texans have put the Amazon tax into. Unless I’m mistaken, which is possible since I’m not particularly familiar with Texas inside baseball, SB 1 is being considered in the special session of the legislature. Let’s hope Texas can strip that tax out, after Governor Perry already vetoed it once. Texas needs to be America’s example of small government. Texans: get loud and back up the Governor! Give the Governor a harrumph!

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Anthony Weiner and his eponymous Twitter “hack”

On May 28, 2011, in General, by Neil Stevens
Friday night Anthony Weiner, Democrat from New York City and Client Number Nine‘s successor in the House (Edit: mixed up my NY Dems, sorry!), had a problem on Twitter. His account, @RepWeiner, had posted on it a rather inappropriate message. It went like so:
RepWeiner @GennetteNicole 22 hours, 18 minutes ago

The Twitter post and the image on YFrog have since been deleted. To attempt to be delicate about it, the linked photo (posted under Weiner’s YFrog account) was of a man in in somewhat tight-fitting underwear, with just that area of his body visible. Big Government has the photo if you want to judge for yourself.

And to be clear, Weiner is married, and the person the photo was directed at is a 21 year old college student in Washington near the Canadian border. So naturally, Weiner needed to explain this fast. About an hour and a half later, Weiner claimed he’d been hacked. That explanation doesn’t hold up. Here’s why.

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Nima Jooyandeh facts.