Tech at Night: The online Hamas (Lulzsec) and Fatah (Anonymous) join up, Azerbaijanis finance spam, Soros agenda trumps gay agenda

I’ve been treating Lulzsec, one of the online gangs attacking websites including the CIA’s, as an offshoot of 4chan and Anonymous. So I’m not surprised to find out that Lulzsec and Anonymous are joining up to attack the US Government. It’s like Hamas and Fatah merging; nobody is surprised. But attacking the government? Handcuffs hurt, boys. It’ll be fun when y’all find that out.
It’ll be interesting to see if Lulzsec Exposed has a role in making that happen, too.
Sega was hit recently, but the reason I’m linking to the story is to point out how laughably bad CBS’s photo for the story was. They show a picture of one old Sega platform (Sega CDX) with the logo of an even older Sega platform (Genesis). Ah, the big time press. Fact checked, peer reviewed, rock-solid. Not like us on the Internet in our robes and sandals.
Apparently a single bank in Azerbaijan has had a key role in keeping the Internet’s spammers alive. It won’t surprise me if some of the online terror gangs go after that bank, to be honest. In a case like that, I start rooting for injuries. And by injuries I mean actual physical ones, to both sides.
As the Texas legislature continues to defy Governor Perry by leaving the Amazon Tax/Internet Sales Tax in SB 1, Amazon is offering a compromise. Texas has better take it, because Amazon will walk away from states that defy them. Ask South Carolina.
How about some FCC? The head of GLAAD, Jarrett Barrios, as been forced out for refusing to support government intervention in the T-Mobile/AT&T deal. Now we all know: the gay agenda on the left takes a back seat to the Soros agenda.
Six months the FCC has now sat on Net Neutrality, without publishing it in the Federal Register. What, are they still writing it? This is absurd.
ICANN has been making cash grabs for years, but now it’s all in the open: ICANN is selling TLDs to anyone for $185,000. Previously restricted to a few general domains (.com, .net, .edu, etc.) and to countries (.us, .uk, .jp, etc.), the list has gradually expanded. At first a few new ones were invented to generate revenue (.biz, .museum, .info), but now all semblance of limitation is gone now. Well, it’s easy money. But the funny thing is, .com will still be the most important one, by far.
I support copyright. Copyright has merit. The culture of entitlement online is repugnant. But come on, the PROTECT IP bill is not the way to fix that. We don’t need a Communist China-style national censorship blacklist. It’s too easily abused, and too contrary to a free Internet and free society. If you want to stop the baddies, stop them. Don’t try to paper over the problem.
Speaking of copyright, it seems that a major federal court decision has come down about the “Hot News” doctrine. Barclays Capital et al. vs went to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, and there seems to have scored somewhat of a victory. Newsmakers apparently cannot prevent reporters from reporting on the news, even if that news is in the offering of a paid service.
Good thing we didn’t put anyone in jail over that copyright dispute then, eh?
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