Tech at Night: IP Revolution starts with AT&T, Google’s Eric Schmidt into the Cabinet?

Long week, so long I forgot to post this Friday night. Oops. Well, better late than never.
The race for the IP revolution is on. The benefits of a modern phone system are still getting explored, even as we see AT&T go first in this direction, but of course naturally the forces of regulation oppose innovation.
Another Internet criminal/’activist’ bites the dust. Cue the outrage from the fringe anarchists.
I know that sex offenders aren’t the most sympathetic of targets, but once we start letting government demand this kind of information, it could only grow from there. Government programs tend to grow, not shrink. Scopes expand, slowly and gradually. What do you have to hide?
If we want to keep them locked up, then we as a society ought to man up, pass longer sentences, and foot the bill.
Elections have consequences, but some are more immediate than others: Republicans need to fill the gap left by Cliff Stearns, Obama may repay Google’s Eric Schmidt for support by putting him in the Cabinet, and Republicans need to figure out that conflicts of interest we’d never tolerate in government should not be tolerated in the consultant racket, either.
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