Five places to see before you retire, by Barbara Boxer

Barbara Boxer, having been in Congress for 28 years, is a clear expert on where to go, and what to see, on the taxpayer dime. Here’s a great new site showing her expertise as compiled in Boxer’s new book: Five Places to See Before You Retire: A Senator’s Junket List.
Also make sure to help her pick a retirement spot for when Carly Fiorina charges ahead and wins in November.
I have to say, I wish we could combine the two lists and send her to a vacation spot for retirement. This bit about junkets to Cuba makes me wish we could send here there for good:
Cuba is off-limits to ordinary Americans, but for Members of Congress, a visit to the Communist-governed isle that sits a mere 90 miles off the coast of Florida is easily accomplished via privately-funded junket. Ordinary Cubans may live a life of poverty, but there are plenty of luxurious accommodations on offer for well-heeled American tourists– or those funding their travels. La Habana Vieja is the best place to sightsee, but the famous Hotel Nacional is where the savvy visitor wants to stay. Rooms there cost from about $200 a night, but who’s keeping tabs on costs when someone else is paying?
Sure that’s expensive, but hey, free socialized medicine right?
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