Tech at Night: Fox confirms my theory about Aereo. CISPA advances.

CISPA continues to remain the big story right now. It’s moving on, though some are concerned that it was effectively renegotiated in back room meetings. It needs scrutiny before passage, I’m thinking. It’s probably a decent but watered-down bill at this point, but let’s look before supporting at this point. We need a good cybersecurity bill, not just any old thing.
Which is exactly what Jay Rockefeller is up to: flailing about, expanding government willy-nilly, in the name of cybersecurity. The SEC? Doing Cybersecurity? Insane.
I like the idea of the Internet Freedom bill, though. The global trend is away from freedom online, and it’s up to us to try to do something about it. The idea that the bill would hurt Net Neutrality is just a bonus.
Remember when I said that the real problem with Aereo was that it was cementing in the minds of the public, that the major networks are still giving their stuff away for free over the air? Fox may be confirming what I said.
Probably the best argument for a bill tightening email privacy against government intrusion, is the Obama IRS claiming it can look at what it wants, when it wants.
Looks like Google is feeling the sting from criticisms that its ad services promote shady services.
Anonymous retards getting prosecuted. Joy. Lulzsec. Ha.
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