A look back at Nazi and Communist propaganda

On March 21, 2011, in General, by Neil Stevens

An academic by the name of Randall Bytwerk has gathered together an impressive snapshot of history in the form of the German Propaganda Archive, which covers Nazi propaganda from the early days of the party to the 1945, and then covers Communist Germany’s ruling SED Party propaganda from 1949 to 1989*

What I find interesting about the archive is not only how it shows that the Nazis really were another party of the left, but just as Stalin claimed that Nazis were the allies of the “crony capitalists,” so too did the Nazis claim that about the Communists!

It’s true. In the 1932 German elections, the Nazis were desperate to pull support away from the Communists, because the two parties were in violent competition for the support of the radical element in the country. So the Nazis portrayed Marxism as the “guardian angel” of Capitalism. Interestingly, while some may object to the Nazis equating the Social Democrats with the Communists, the two parties did end up merging in the Soviet Zone after the war, forming the eventual ruling Socialist Unity Party of the German Democratic Republic.

So yes, while the Stalin line all along, repeated to this day by the socialist elites of Europe and America, has been that the Nazis were a far-right party aligned with free markets and investors, the Nazis were saying the exact same thing about the Communists! In fact, neither is true. Communism and Fascism are cousins, both denigrating liberty and demeaning of the dignity of the individual, putting the State and collective rights above all.

Oh, and do leftys realize that when they put tape over their mouths, protesting their supposed loss of civil rights, they are copying Hitler who did it first? Yes, even after Hitler was released from prison after the Beer Hall Putsch attempt, he was barred from public speaking for a while, and the Nazis protested that on posters with taped mouths.

Oh, and yup, it didn’t take long before those Social Democrats and Communists got together to reverse the old Nazi propaganda. Konrad Adenauer was the new Hitler, according to them.

Also of possible interest to conservative readers might be the sections of the website dealing with debate tactics on the left, and it might be interesting to compare the instructions given to Nazi and Communist agitators, with the tactics used by unions today.

* Boy, those pesky Germans and their desire for freedom sure did ruin the 50 Jahre DDR celebrations, didn’t they?

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