Anti-Net Neutrality is Bipartisan II

On October 21, 2009, in General, by Neil Stevens

It’s not just state Governors who oppose Net Neutrality. Democrats of all stripes are jumping on against it, finds Ben Smith at Politico.

If you haven’t been watching this one, here’s the summary. The FCC meets on Oct. 22 to propose rules for keeping the Internet open and non-discriminatory as it should be. AT&T and Verizon have been pulling out everything they have to make sure the proposed rules are as weak as possible. They rounded up House GOP leadership, House Republicans. Senate Republicans. The ever-turncoat Communications Workers of America. Minority Groups. You name it, things are bombing into the FCC like nothing I’ve seen ever, and I’ve been watching this a long time.

We’re winning. Let’s keep shooting.


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