The Joy of Tracking Polls 6

On November 19, 2007, in General, by Neil Stevens

Another week, another crowded pack at the Rasmussen tracking poll, but unfortunately I’m not at my best health-wise at the moment (it’s only luck that this is getting posted at all), so don’t expect a lot of analysis this week.

Rasmussen Tracking

There must have been an outlier sample pro-Romney last week. That’s the only way I can explain the way he jumped way up then dropped back where he was before. Maybe it’s all response to these robocalls and the explanations of who made them, but I’m not sure. McCain does drop a little this week, but not much, so I don’t know what to make of it.

Thompson appears to have shed down to his core that every candidate seems to have, while Giuliani’s just bouncing around waiting around for the champion of the ABG forces to emerge.

To sum up last week: Yawn.


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