The Joy of Tracking Polls 4

On November 5, 2007, in General, by Neil Stevens

I seem to be settling in on Mondays to do my reviews of the Rasmussen tracking poll because the site updaters take the weekends off from updating, even though the polls go on over Saturdays and Sundays.

As far as I know, there have been no huge stories this week, no big events to shake things up, and it shows in the poll. There’s little movement, and that’s never good news for anyone in a race with no dominant frontrunner.

Rasmussen Tracking

Huckabee fans may be the first to be disappointed by the last week, because what was surely looking to optimistic Huckabots to be a ramp all the way to victory, has abruptly ended with Huckabee just joining the pack.

Meanwhile for Fredheads like me, it’s a bit frustrating to look at those heady days of mid-September when Fred himself looked like he might be running away with it, only to then see Rudy’s Q3 fundraising surge and sigh.

But there is a little story, one that Red State even reflects upon. I can’t be the only one to have noticed that we had several articles lately about people’s support or willingness to vote for John McCain, either new or reiterated. It seems to be part of a trend the poll is seeing; McCain now has about doubled his suppport since his trough in mid-October.

Between McCain’s climb and Thompson’s drop, the boundary between Giuliani and Thompson versus the pack no longer exists. We now have a continuum of five candidates, all wedged in between 11 (Romney) and 23 (Giuliani) percent.

Anyone want to take a bet that Republican fundraising Q4 will continue to lag the Democrats, as Republican donors continue to wait on some structure to emerge?


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